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About Us
What is FundKarma ?
Based in Canada we are the newest and exciting crowdfunding system. Before we get to the good stuff and set you down the path to making your dreams a reality, first we’ll tell you a little more about us. You see, here at FundKarma, we’re passionate about your goals. That’s why we created the FundKarma crowdfunding platform in the first place.
At FundKarma we want you to reach your goals and objectives. Whether you’re raising cash for a new business venture, a medical procedure, education, travel, sports, major life events, supporting your local community or any other project for that matter, we want your dreams to become a reality.
FundKarma is a hassle-free, easy-to-use platform that cuts right to the chase. There are no hidden terms or conditions, no complex layouts, and no surprises.
FundKarma allows you to keep 100% of the NET money your project was able to raise, whether you reach your financial target or not. That’s right, whether you raise 1% of your target, 10%, 99% or 100%, whatever you raise, you keep, and can put it towards getting your dream up and running.
There are also no deadlines like you find on many other crowdfunding platforms, so you can keep your project running for hours, days, weeks, months if need be.
What’s more, we have a very powerful reach on social media, so you can share your project on our various social media platforms for greater levels of success. After all, the more people that can see your project, potentially the more people you will have to donate to help get things moving in the right direction.
Start your campaign today and raise money without any hassle; simple and easy

For those about to rock...


We salute you!